Key Criteria For Long-Term Funding

The Key Criteria for long-term multi-year unrestricted funding from the Get It Done Foundation (GIDF) in May 2023 are as follows:

Transformative Intention and Practice

GIDF is looking for initiatives that aim to bring about substantial and profound changes, not just maintaining the status quo or making incremental improvements.

They want projects that have a clear vision for transformation.

Collaborative for Optimal Impact

GIDF values collaboration and seeks projects that engage in hub-based radical collaboration.

This means working closely with other organisations or partners to maximise the overall impact of the initiative.

Creative Use of Technology

GIDF encourages the creative use of technology to enable potential scale impact.

Projects should demonstrate innovative and effective ways of utilising technology to achieve their goals.

Co-funding Secured for Long-term Partnership

Initiatives should have co-funding secured for a long-term partnership.

This demonstrates financial stability and commitment to the project’s success.

Impact on Economically Excluded/Marginalised Communities

GIDF is particularly interested in projects whose impact directly benefits economically excluded or marginalised communities.

The initiative should have a clear plan for addressing the needs of these communities.


Projects should have the capacity and potential for growth, with evidence of meaningful collaboration with other stakeholders.

Additionally, there should be a clear role defined for the project in terms of activating ecosystem impact.

Spatial and Regional Connectedness

Initiatives should have a strategy for spatial and regional connectedness.

This means developing specific education sites, hubs, or regions as hot spots for transformative intervention, with a clear plan for how these areas will be developed and connected.

Funding Eligibility Criteria Summary

Applicants seeking funding from GIDF should ensure that their proposals align with these key criteria to increase their chances of receiving long-term multi-year unrestricted funding.


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